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  • HanishKVC's avatar
    SimpleChat: Simple histogram/repeatMatching driven garbageTrimming, Settings... · 2ac95c9d
    HanishKVC authored
    SimpleChat: Simple histogram/repeatMatching driven garbageTrimming, Settings UI, Streaming mode, OpenAi Compat (Model, Authorization Bearer), Save/Restore session, Auto Settings UI (#7548)
    * SimpleChat:DU:BringIn local helper js modules using importmap
    Use it to bring in a simple trim garbage at end logic, which is
    used to trim received response.
    Also given that importmap assumes esm / standard js modules, so
    also global variables arent implicitly available outside the
    modules. So add it has a member of document for now
    * SimpleChat:DU: Add trim garbage at end in loop helper
    * SimpleChat:DU:TrimGarbage if unable try skip char and retry
    * SimpleChat:DU: Try trim using histogram based info
    TODO: May have to add max number of uniq chars in histogram at
    end of learning phase.
    * SimpleChat:DU: Switch trim garbage hist based to maxUniq simple
    Instead of blindly building histogram for specified substring
    length, and then checking if any new char within specified min
    garbage length l...