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Maik Boltze / PHYLOS
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Eine angepasste Version für das Modul Datenbankenprogrammierung
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This project includes a class to test for the existence of constructors, methods and fields for modifiers, names, parameters as well as return types or types, respectively. It also contains a rudimentary Java interpreter.
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Data Mining "Projekt" : Toward Controlled Generation of Text
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This repository handles the implementation of a model, which was published in the paper "Generating Sentences from a Continous Space" by S.Bowman and L.Vilnis in the programming language Julia. The implementation was executed within a Pluto notebook.
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Contains java connectors for postgresql and hsql. Contains a spark sql example that gets a csv formatted input file (format see ressources) that loads it into spark. The aim of the project is to determine word similarities using a newspaper database.
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dikon / afh-gnd
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalGND-Nummern von Professoren der Fridericiana (dikon.pages.gwdg.de/afh-gnd)
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Ein Visualisierungsprojekt zu Daten des Afrikakonflikts von 1997-2020.